A mind-boggeling piece of literature

February 9, 2013 § 6 Comments


It’s not a real sculpture you can find in Rome it was specially created for the movie. It looks amazing.

I just finished reading ‘Angels and Demons’ by Dan Brown and it is one of the THE most incredible books I have read in my life. I don’t want to say too much about it and spoil it for people who have not read it yet, but it is riddled with twists and it is so gripping you don’t want to put it down you want to keep reading till the end.  Dan Brown has created a work of art out of his book I must say! The characters in the book are described so well you can almost feel as if you know them, so much detail is given of their personality.

So after reading it I thought to watch the film, but after 30 minutes I turned it off. It was nothing like the book and I was very disappointed. The characters were nothing how the author described them as and it barely followed the story line. But yet again, the book is always better than the film!

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§ 6 Responses to A mind-boggeling piece of literature

  • Vasiliki says:

    That is so true, movies are most often than not nothing like the book. Sometimes movies manage to do ok but almost never as good as the book and absolutely never better than the book (at least i haven’t seen one that was better than the book, it would be interesting though to see what others have to say about that because after all opinions are entirely subjective). And as for the stature, it is so eerie and beautiful! I find myself drawn to the dark side of stuff sometimes so i find myself drawn to this statue in particular. Beautiful!


    • purerawblack says:

      Exactly! I’m glad there are those who agree with me! I have never had a situation where I preferred the movie to the book. I think it’s simply because a movie cannot show the thoughts of the characters and never follows the story line which is such a shame. I completely agree with you on the statue. I also am attracted to the dark side of things, especially the bad characters in books and in this book as well! I really wish it was real.


      • Vasiliki says:

        Yeah, although in a way it’s logical not to include everything or follow the story line faithfully because the movie would have to last HOURS! just think of how long it takes us to read books 😛 And there has to be extra time for character building to help the viewer understand the psyche of every character and the motivation behind their actions. Its really hard, and although i’m not saying books shouldn’t be made into movies, i really wish people would read the books before or after. Oh i am also very much attracted to the dark or bad characters in books 😀


      • purerawblack says:

        Yes that’s true I must agree on that one and the cost would be tremendous! I wish there would be some way though for a personality of a character to be shown. For example in Angels and Demons the bad character is very sadistic in the movie they don’t show this what so ever which disappointed me a bit. Actually it was the case with all the characters now I think about it. But yes you’re right people should read the book at least if not before, then after.


      • Vasiliki says:

        It seems that that is a very basic trait of his character which they should’ve shown in the movie. I haven’t read Angels and Demons yet but i want to, the plot seems intriguing.


      • purerawblack says:

        That’s true. And yes you must, I’m sure you’re going to love it! 😀


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